MovEnergy Campaign

The Simplest Engine of the Century




Landfills Gas



Waste Oil

Natural Gas



Biomass Gasifier



Electric Generator

Multi Fuel Burner
for Heater

Range Extender

Electric Car

Electric Boat

Electric Aircraft

Electric Bus

Biomass Odd Grid Energy

A.P.U Aircraft

Cogeneration Electricity+Heater

Specifications : Dimensions W,L,H 30X40X40 cm, Weigth about 15 kg, Sound about 77 dB(A) @ 1m, Consumption about 1.5 liter/hour(fuel+water), NOx CO VOC <7 ppmv,3.000/25.000 rpm, Oil free with airfoil bearing technologie.

The Simplest Engine
1 Combustion chamber
1 Turbocharger
1 Electronic Power
2 Pipes
1 Igniteur
1 Fuel pump
1 Water pump
Oil free with airfoil bearing technologie

The Most Economical Engine
Costs only 3 cents per kwh
Cost of production about $ 900
Allows 50% economics on heating
Multi-Fuel Oil Burners
No oil

The Low Maintenance Engine
Turbocompresser every 5 years
Combustion Chamber every year


One engine with several market


 MovEnergy Engine 3000/25000 rpm

– 1 MovEnergy Engine

– 1 fuel tank 10 liters (range 13 hours)

– 1 water tank 10 liters

– 1 Power Electronic

Weight about 15 kg

costs only 3 cents per kwh
excess combustion air
*complete oxidation combustor

Multi-Fuel Electric Generator 25KW

– 1 MovEnergy Engine 25KW
– 1 fuel tank 20 liters (range 15 hours)
– 1 Power Electronic
– 1 Voltage Regulator
Weight about 60 kg
Frequence 50hz 400v/230v/130v

costs only 3 cents per kwh
excess combustion air
*complete oxidation combustor

Biomass Electric Generator 25KW

– 1 Gasifier Biomass or Wood without filters
– 1 MovEnergy Generator 25KW

costs only 3 cents per kwh
excess combustion air
*complete oxidation combustor

Range Extender for Car

– 1 MovEnergy 45KWH Generator
– 1 Lithium Battery 10KW
– 1 Electric Motor 45KW
– 1 Fuel tank 10 L Range 1000 km

– 1 water tank 10 L
– 1 Power Electronic
Complete powertrain is about
190 kg for 1000 km Range

costs only 3 cents per kwh
excess combustion air
*complete oxidation combustor

Learn more about the sense of inertia



A Big Thank you for your support! For this donation, you’ll be recognised as one of the website funders on a special dedication page and you’ll get an awesome MovEnergy 45KWH Generator sticker.


You receive the “MovEnergy Generator” contributor package with a personalized thank you certificate and a very cool MovEnergy 45KWH Generator sticker and your name will appear as Donor on our website


You will receive the same counterparties for 25 $ and more plus the T-shirt “MovEnergy Contributor” in white or black, and your name will appear as “Illustrious Donor” on our website


You will receive the same counterparties for 50 $ and more plus a second T-shirt “MovEnergy Contributor” in white or black, and your name will appear as “Inoubliable Donor” on our website


You will receive the same counterparties for 50 $ and more plus a shoulder bag “MovEnergy 45KWH Generator” canvas. Discret design, simple and durable … all in the spirit of the brand and project! and your name will appear as “Incomensurable Donor” on our website


You will receive the same counterparties for € 100 and more for you or the person you designate, the possibility of being privileged among the first owners of the “Multi-Fuel Oil Burners” or “Multi-Fuel Electric Generator 25KW “, with a reduction of $ 300 on offer at cost price (not commercial price) … 50% discount! Your name will appear as “Big Donor” on our website


You will receive the same counterparties for 100 $ more for you or the person you designate,you will receive 1.10 times the amount of your share contribution (expl: for $ 2,000 of contribution you receive $ 2,200 in shares) to the company has come “Movenergy LTD” based on the total equity and your name will appear as Donor Prestige on our website


You will receive the same counterparties for 100 $ more for you or the person you designate, you will receive 1.25 times the amount of your share contribution (expl: for $ 10,000 of contribution you receive $ 12,500 in shares) to the company has come “Movenergy LTD” based on the total equity and your name will appear Donor Prestige as on our website


You will receive the same counterparties for 100 $ and more for you or the person you designate, you will receive 1.50 times the amount of your share contribution(expl: for $ 20,000 of contribution you receive $ 30,000 in shares) to the company has come “Movenergy LTD” based on the total equity and your name will appear Donor Prestige as on our website



MovEnergy Range Extender 25/65 KWH

Specifications : Dimensions W,L,H 40X80X40 cm, Weigth about 35 kg, Sound about 77 dB(A) @ 1m, Consumption about 1.5 liter/hour (fuel+water), NOx CO VOC <7 ppmv, Electric Generator 25-65 kw, Voltage 350/400 DCV, Oil free with airfoil bearing technologie.


Movenergy Engine The Simplest Engine of the Century

The Backstory

Initially the idea was to design a range extender for electric car using the energy pulse that keeps the rotational speed of the generator using the minimum of fuel. Several ideas have been studied, two-stroke engine, flywheel, gas generator type V1, Tesla turbine …
The turbine was needed to convert the motion because simpler.It took a lot of air for complete combustion the turbocharger was the ideal choice.Conventional combustion in an engine is incomplete so we chose a room with a burning background
remains alone at 1000 ° which allows us to use multi fuel and get a pulse energy engine.


MovEnergy Engine 3000/25000 rpm

  Specifications : Dimensions W,L,H 30X40X40 cm, Weigth about 15 kg, Sound about 77 dB(A) @ 1m, Consumption about 1.5 liter/hour(fuel+water), NOx CO VOC <7 ppmv,3.000/25.000 rpm, Oil free with airfoil bearing technologie.

The MovEnergie Engine is a gas turbine combustion very simplified that are used in two ways: mechanical energy through the rotation of the turbine shaft which drives a (MovEnergy generator) power generator or the energy of the exhaust gas to heat (Movenergy heater) heater generator. If we use the two is the MovEnergy Cogeneration. (The Power Electronic is used to maintain the number of revolutions of the turbo at about 3.000/25.000 rpm.)

MovEnergy uses a standard ECU with sensors turbo speed, temperature of the turbo inlet , temperature of the exhaust gas,fuel which regulates arrived dropwise fuel oil and water cooler to maintain the speed of rototion of the turbine has + – 25,000 rpm. 

Movenergy does not inject fuel, electronic arrival of the oil drop by drop, start it pulse 600 drops per minute, then the number of kwh generate a module manages it is between 300 and 150 drops per minute.Every drop of fuel the system sends one drop of water to cool and boost combustion MovEnergy uses 50% fuel and 50% water. and consumes 1.5 liters of fuel + water a hour.

The rotor of the motor-generator and the turbine shaft are fixed and rotate freely.

Our system naturally has provided the basis of the electricity and heat (cogeneration).

Working Process

The Power Electronic is used to maintain the number of revolutions of the turbo at 10.000 to 25.000 rpm
depending on the application.

Everything is in place … It remains for us to install our prototype demonstration MovEnergy 25kWh Generator.

We have extensively tested the Multi-fuel Combustor is the centerpiece of the project

and selected suppliers to the ignitor and the arrival of multi fuel.

Our project is in active development for over 6 months now. Thanks to you we can finance the production and testing of our two prototype demonstration . .

It will help us to validate and optimize all the technical choices made. It will be a full-scale simulation of future projects involving industrialization to lower costs of the Multi-Fuel Electric Generator 25KW.

We work with a school of engineers who owns 40 stations CAM CATIA and SOLIDWORKS AND Metal 3D printers that allow us to produce parts quickly and at low cost.

We are in connection with three  companies that manufactures turbocharger for their entrusted manufacturing MovEnergy Generator 25 kwh.

For the same powers our products will be twice less than the competition.

They serve us especially as commercial support for our next steps in sales.

Indeed, we are now in advanced discussions with several international clients and we need to realize this achievement these early prospects and credibility to sit on.

If we exceed the goals , each additional euro collected will be used for our marketing and communication in order to make know the product more . In particular, we expect an initial budget of $ 20,000 web campaign , $ 20,000 advertising in specialized media .

We tested seven combustion chamber the Combustor




There was one year helped design the reflection




The Team

Our founding team is composed of tree engineers doctors, graduates for one (Tom) of the Ecole Polytechnique and UCLA (USA), and the other (Peter) ESPCI and Cambridge (UK) and a (Helena) engineer Commerial (Hec) and Marc A self made contractor.

We will strengthen through the integration of technical and business profiles further in the months to come.

MovEnergy is a project created in 2014 in Paris.

The project was born from the experience of the two founding partners in the industrial development of innovative technologies for the range extender of car and commercial lithium battery.

For design engineering and computer-aided manufacturing we are assisted by a school of engineers with 40 workstation CFAO

For years we see a large gap between the cost of the technology itself and the price of the final product sold to customers. We have the ambition to finally propose technical solutions to be freed from these unnecessary costs and make the competitive energy.


T-shirt image

MovEnergy Generator 45kwh



How much will shipping/delivery cost ?

Shipping will cost (roughly) $5 in the US and between $5-$10 for international backers. T-shirt shipping will cost much less. Shipping will be calculated and collected when we send the backer survey. This will be just before your rewards are sent to ensure the most fair shipping rates.

I’m a journalist and have questions, who do I contact ?

We’d love to help answer all of your questions. Please contact us at

Keeping everyone up to date…

All events will be posted on If you are a baker you will receive the monthly Newsletter otherwise register on and we’ll be sure to update you on any monumental events as and when they happen.

Can I help you distribute in Country X ?

As I am sure you can understand, the MovEnergy Crowdfunding process is pretty consuming, and we are very much focussed on delivering a good experience and good product to our backers. Theirs will be the first products shipped, followed by site pre-orders, and then wider sales channels.

Can I contribute to projects internationally?

Yes! Anyone can contribute to MovEnergy projects, from anywhere in the world. The only requirement is a major credit card.

Keep your home and family safe with our pest control tips

What is a Turbocompressor ?


This technology is already used it ?

Yes it is used in F1 since 2014 is the motor generator unit-heat (MSU-H), but the V6 engine that provides hot gas tubocharger weighs 155 KG us Combustor 5 KG is used


Do I get notified if a project I’m backing succeeds?

We’ll send you an email when funding ends, no matter the outcome.

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