The Simplest Engine of the Century
Landfills Gas
Waste Oil
Natural Gas
Biomass Gasifier

Electric Generator
Multi Fuel Burner
for Heater
Range Extender
Electric Car
Electric Boat
Electric Aircraft
Electric Bus
Biomass Odd Grid Energy
A.P.U Aircraft
Cogeneration Electricity+Heater
Specifications : Dimensions W,L,H 30X40X40 cm, Weigth about 15 kg, Sound about 77 dB(A) @ 1m, Consumption about 1.5 liter/hour(fuel+water), NOx CO VOC <7 ppmv,3.000/25.000 rpm, Oil free with airfoil bearing technologie.
The Simplest Engine
1 Combustion chamber
1 Turbocharger
1 Electronic Power
2 Pipes
1 Igniteur
1 Fuel pump
1 Water pump
Oil free with airfoil bearing technologie
The Most Economical Engine
Costs only 3 cents per kwh
Cost of production about $ 900
Allows 50% economics on heating
Multi-Fuel Oil Burners
No oil
The Low Maintenance Engine
Turbocompresser every 5 years
Combustion Chamber every year
One engine with several market

MovEnergy Engine 3000/25000 rpm
- 1 MovEnergy Engine
- 1 fuel tank 10 liters (range 13 hours)
- 1 water tank 10 liters
- 1 Power Electronic
Weight about 15 kg
costs only 3 cents per kwh
excess combustion air
*complete oxidation combustor
Multi-Fuel Electric Generator 25KW
- 1 MovEnergy Engine 25KW
- 1 fuel tank 20 liters (range 15 hours)
- 1 Power Electronic
- 1 Voltage Regulator
Weight about 60 kg
Frequence 50hz 400v/230v/130v
costs only 3 cents per kwh
excess combustion air
*complete oxidation combustor
Biomass Electric Generator 25KW
- 1 Gasifier Biomass or Wood without filters
- 1 MovEnergy Generator 25KW
costs only 3 cents per kwh
excess combustion air
*complete oxidation combustor
Range Extender for Car
- 1 MovEnergy 45KWH Generator
- 1 Lithium Battery 10KW
- 1 Electric Motor 45KW
- 1 Fuel tank 10 L Range 1000 km
- 1 water tank 10 L
- 1 Power Electronic
Complete powertrain is about
190 kg for 1000 km Range
costs only 3 cents per kwh
excess combustion air
*complete oxidation combustor
MovEnergy Range Extender 25/65 KWH

Specifications : Dimensions W,L,H 40X80X40 cm, Weigth about 35 kg, Sound about 77 dB(A) @ 1m, Consumption about 1.5 liter/hour (fuel+water), NOx CO VOC <7 ppmv, Electric Generator 25-65 kw, Voltage 350/400 DCV, Oil free with airfoil bearing technologie.
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<b>* </b>The amount of air required for complete combustion is 2-3x that of theoretical air. With liquid water then it is the Higher Heating Value.