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Built with apartment living in mind, Astro’s Twist LED smart light bulbs are a different take on smart lights compared to other similar products. The Twist changes color based on the time of day, and unlike other smart lights, isn’t controlled by an app. Instead, Twist uses its custom Dimmer switch to control all of the lights in a room. It also has a built-in AirPlay-enabled speaker, letting you stream any audio from an Apple device.
Due to the Dimmer, and the fact that they automatically adjust based on the light in their given room, Twist lights don’t require additional setup beyond installing them. You can pre-order the Twist from Astro now with shipments heading out in early 2016. Currently you can only order the Single Room Set, which contains three Twist bulbs and a Dimmer for $249.
Pre-order the Twist Single Room Set from Astro ($249)
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